1/ on the new vip site, u probably noticed that i have a section that lists vip marketplaces and one is @sudoswap. i set up a pool over the holidays (◕‿◕)♡ if u want to know more about what's going on with that, keep reading ↓
2/ sudoswap differs from caviar or nftx as there are no shared pools. vips aren't fractionalized on sudo and so there's no erc20 involved. anyone is free to create their own vip buy/sell/trade pool and set the price, curve, and fees. read more here: docs.sudoswap.xyz
4/ u will also notice that i have os pro listed on the veryinter.net/person site but not regular os or blur. i did this bc os pro is the best option to get a full view bc it includes sudo and nftx liquidity
6/ that said, blur and os are still good places to look if u want to pick up a vip for cheap or to find arb opportunities (when gas is ok) bc the ppl listing may not be aware that they can get better offers via the pools. nfa ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7/ as i've said before, i feel better putting extra vip funds into sudo/nftx/caviar bc the activity on the amms benefit vip and vip stakers more. fees on os/blur mostly just go to the platform. so the amms are a more interesting model for me to explore
8/ tldr, the caviar&nftx vip pools are there but if u want more control, use sudo (there is a gas cost to deploy a pool.) i'm doing these experiments out of curiosity about the tech but i thought some of u might like to know why there may be a funny market sometimes ;)